Bienvenue à IHI LTD  

Based in Mauritius, IHI LTD is a dynamic and innovative  firm offering best-in-market EHS consulting services in the Indian Ocean Region and Sub-Saharan Africa.

 Our Vision to be the Indian Ocean’s leading consulting service provider in Occupational Hygiene, Health, Safety, and Environment.

Our Mission is to go above and beyond by assisting our clients in protecting their people, their neighbor communities, and their environment.


Votre Point de Contact Unique

Nous offrons à nos clients une solution tout-en-un pour tous leurs besoins en matière d’hygiène industrielle, de santé & sécurité et d’environnement.

Une Qualité Assurée

Doing business with us is guarantee for quality and success. We provide tailored client solutions whilst protecting people and the environment, minimizing costs, satisfying legislative obligations and managing the expectations of government authorities and their communities.

Nous Travaillons pour vous Satisfaire

Notre personnel accrédité et nos associés possèdent l’expertise et les antécédents professionnels nécessaires pour élaborer et réaliser des évaluations pour tous les aspects de l’hygiène du travail, de la santé, de la sécurité et de l’environnement.

Expérience Personnalisée

Notre personnel accrédité (CIH®, CSP®) est fier d’offrir des solutions personnalisées et durables qui respectent les besoins, le budget et les échéances des clients.

They have successfully managed major projects in North America, Middle East, South Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, and in the Indian Ocean Region.

TSI Inc.

With many years’ experience in occupational hygiene and environmental monitoring, we are proud to be a distributor for TSI in East Africa and the Indian Ocean Region.

With Casella, which is a division of TSI, we now offer personal sampling pumps, vibration meters and improve our noise and aerosol monitoring offer. We provide our customers industry expertise and knowledge of the products we sell.


CALiTrak™ Software (available soon)

Safety Equipment Maintenance System

CALiTrak™ Software can be used for any PPE or safety equipment that must be calibrated, inspected and checked on a regular basis.

EHS instruments sold by IHI LTD and its partners have their data stored in CALiTrak™ and we provide our customers with free logins to access them.


HAZCOM Search Engine v1.2

The HAZCOM Search Engine v1.2 has been designed then enhanced to facilitate the management of HAZCOM associated documents.

Using this software application makes it easier and faster for all your staff to find Safety Data Sheets. The software is fully customizable according to your needs.



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